Islands Water Congress 2024

The “Taps Aff!” project will be curating a creative session at the International Water Resources Association’s 1st Islands Water Congress. The congress itself will run from the 4th-6th September 2024 in Tórshavn, Faroe Islands.

As part of the creative session, we invite ‘digital postcard’ submissions from congress attendees, as well as anyone else who would like to participate. The postcards will be held on our website as well as used to create a physical display at the congress.

Share your experiences of water scarcity with us!

We are asking all island communities to tell us their stories of life when water supplies have run low or dried up. This can include photos, voice notes, videos, and art work depicting experiences of water scarcity.

How to submit your stories..

You can email us, contact us on WhatsApp, or send larger files via Dropbox.